Give Me The Bible TV DVD Series

from $53.95

Just 53.95 Each Segment

12 subjects , 60 DVDs is our best seller! There is no other series available anywhere as comprehensive as this. It covers the basics of all the precious doctrines of the church in a loving, Christ-centered manner. Just 53.95 per Subject or 525.00 for all 60 DVDs

Pastor Cox is widely known for his clear presentations on the fundamentals of Salvation and Life in Christ, as well as the great prophecies in Daniel and Revelation. Look across the page and you will see the lists of topics.

These DVDs are perfect for a church to show in a public Evangelistic Series or to share with others in your home. Some people use the messages to loan to new believers.

Share you faith through these outstanding DVDs!


1. Grace of God
2. Repentance
3. Confession
4. Faith and Acceptance
5. Born Again

Life In The Son

1. Conflict of the Ages
2. What is a Soul?
3. Life in Christ
4. Spiritualism
5. No More Sin

Second Coming

1. We Have This Hope
2. Signs of the End of Time
3. Signs of His Coming
4. The Coming of Jesus Christ
5. Night Watch


1. Christ Our Mediator
2. Investigative Judgment
3. Book of Life in the Judgment
4. Judgment During the Millennium
5. Great White Throne Judgment

Holy Spirit

1. Promise of the Holy Spirit
2. Why Many Do Not Receive Any Benefit from the Holy Spirit
3. Fruits of the Holy Spirit
4. Gifts of the Holy Spirit
5. Latter Rain

Your Bible and You

1. Where Did Your Bible Come From
2. Which Translation is Best
3. How Can I Know My Bible is True
4. What the Bible Can Do for You
5. How to Study Your Bible


1. Jesus, Lord of the Sabbath
2. Baptized Paganism I
3. Baptized Paganism II
4. Sabbath Covenant
5. How to Keep the Sabbath

The Elijah Message

1. The Coming of Elijah
2. Abraham’s Altar
3. Bless this House
4. Heaven is My Home
5. Great and Dreadful Day of the Lord

Five Have Fallen

1. Babylon
2. Medo-Persia
3. Greece
4. Pagan Rome
5. Papal Rome

The Apple of God’s Eye

1. Why a Church?
2. Front Door of the Church
3. Back Door of the Church
4. The Church — God’s Storehouse
5. The Church Victorious

Was-Is Not-Yet Is

1. Two Witnesses
2. The Beast from the Bottomless Pit
3. Spoke as a Dragon
4. The Eighth Beast
5. Mark of the Beast

No Other Name Like Jesus

1. Who Is Jesus
2. Why Believe in Jesus Christ
3. What Makes Jesus Different?
4. Jesus — Prophet, Priest and King
5. Unto You a Savior

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Just 53.95 Each Segment

12 subjects , 60 DVDs is our best seller! There is no other series available anywhere as comprehensive as this. It covers the basics of all the precious doctrines of the church in a loving, Christ-centered manner. Just 53.95 per Subject or 525.00 for all 60 DVDs

Pastor Cox is widely known for his clear presentations on the fundamentals of Salvation and Life in Christ, as well as the great prophecies in Daniel and Revelation. Look across the page and you will see the lists of topics.

These DVDs are perfect for a church to show in a public Evangelistic Series or to share with others in your home. Some people use the messages to loan to new believers.

Share you faith through these outstanding DVDs!


1. Grace of God
2. Repentance
3. Confession
4. Faith and Acceptance
5. Born Again

Life In The Son

1. Conflict of the Ages
2. What is a Soul?
3. Life in Christ
4. Spiritualism
5. No More Sin

Second Coming

1. We Have This Hope
2. Signs of the End of Time
3. Signs of His Coming
4. The Coming of Jesus Christ
5. Night Watch


1. Christ Our Mediator
2. Investigative Judgment
3. Book of Life in the Judgment
4. Judgment During the Millennium
5. Great White Throne Judgment

Holy Spirit

1. Promise of the Holy Spirit
2. Why Many Do Not Receive Any Benefit from the Holy Spirit
3. Fruits of the Holy Spirit
4. Gifts of the Holy Spirit
5. Latter Rain

Your Bible and You

1. Where Did Your Bible Come From
2. Which Translation is Best
3. How Can I Know My Bible is True
4. What the Bible Can Do for You
5. How to Study Your Bible


1. Jesus, Lord of the Sabbath
2. Baptized Paganism I
3. Baptized Paganism II
4. Sabbath Covenant
5. How to Keep the Sabbath

The Elijah Message

1. The Coming of Elijah
2. Abraham’s Altar
3. Bless this House
4. Heaven is My Home
5. Great and Dreadful Day of the Lord

Five Have Fallen

1. Babylon
2. Medo-Persia
3. Greece
4. Pagan Rome
5. Papal Rome

The Apple of God’s Eye

1. Why a Church?
2. Front Door of the Church
3. Back Door of the Church
4. The Church — God’s Storehouse
5. The Church Victorious

Was-Is Not-Yet Is

1. Two Witnesses
2. The Beast from the Bottomless Pit
3. Spoke as a Dragon
4. The Eighth Beast
5. Mark of the Beast

No Other Name Like Jesus

1. Who Is Jesus
2. Why Believe in Jesus Christ
3. What Makes Jesus Different?
4. Jesus — Prophet, Priest and King
5. Unto You a Savior

Just 53.95 Each Segment

12 subjects , 60 DVDs is our best seller! There is no other series available anywhere as comprehensive as this. It covers the basics of all the precious doctrines of the church in a loving, Christ-centered manner. Just 53.95 per Subject or 525.00 for all 60 DVDs

Pastor Cox is widely known for his clear presentations on the fundamentals of Salvation and Life in Christ, as well as the great prophecies in Daniel and Revelation. Look across the page and you will see the lists of topics.

These DVDs are perfect for a church to show in a public Evangelistic Series or to share with others in your home. Some people use the messages to loan to new believers.

Share you faith through these outstanding DVDs!


1. Grace of God
2. Repentance
3. Confession
4. Faith and Acceptance
5. Born Again

Life In The Son

1. Conflict of the Ages
2. What is a Soul?
3. Life in Christ
4. Spiritualism
5. No More Sin

Second Coming

1. We Have This Hope
2. Signs of the End of Time
3. Signs of His Coming
4. The Coming of Jesus Christ
5. Night Watch


1. Christ Our Mediator
2. Investigative Judgment
3. Book of Life in the Judgment
4. Judgment During the Millennium
5. Great White Throne Judgment

Holy Spirit

1. Promise of the Holy Spirit
2. Why Many Do Not Receive Any Benefit from the Holy Spirit
3. Fruits of the Holy Spirit
4. Gifts of the Holy Spirit
5. Latter Rain

Your Bible and You

1. Where Did Your Bible Come From
2. Which Translation is Best
3. How Can I Know My Bible is True
4. What the Bible Can Do for You
5. How to Study Your Bible


1. Jesus, Lord of the Sabbath
2. Baptized Paganism I
3. Baptized Paganism II
4. Sabbath Covenant
5. How to Keep the Sabbath

The Elijah Message

1. The Coming of Elijah
2. Abraham’s Altar
3. Bless this House
4. Heaven is My Home
5. Great and Dreadful Day of the Lord

Five Have Fallen

1. Babylon
2. Medo-Persia
3. Greece
4. Pagan Rome
5. Papal Rome

The Apple of God’s Eye

1. Why a Church?
2. Front Door of the Church
3. Back Door of the Church
4. The Church — God’s Storehouse
5. The Church Victorious

Was-Is Not-Yet Is

1. Two Witnesses
2. The Beast from the Bottomless Pit
3. Spoke as a Dragon
4. The Eighth Beast
5. Mark of the Beast

No Other Name Like Jesus

1. Who Is Jesus
2. Why Believe in Jesus Christ
3. What Makes Jesus Different?
4. Jesus — Prophet, Priest and King
5. Unto You a Savior

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Profecía Bíblica Para Hoy . Bible Prophecy for Today DVD Series